Dr. Thomas Henry Moray was one of the pioneers involved in radiant energy research and radiant energy generation.  During his lifetime, Moray developed and demonstrated a radiant energy device know as the, “Moray Valve,” that extracted radiant energy from the, “energy waves of the universe.”  The Moray Valve consisted of a large antenna connected to a complex series of high voltage capacitors, transformers, and semiconductors that was so efficient that it produced over 50 kilowatts of power and could be operated for days without interruption.  Throughout his life, Moray demonstrated the Moray Valve to a wide audience but never received any serious interest to help him further develop and promote his radiant energy device or theories.  Today, radiant energy is more commonly referred to as scalar energy, as the terms are synonymous.

Dr. Moray Adjusting the Moray Valve, a Radiant Energy Device

Thomas Henry Moray was born on August 28, 1892 in Salt Lake City, Utah. As a youth, Moray was inspired by Nikola Tesla who likewise invented radiant energy devices and promulgated radiant energy theories.  Moray received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Uppsala University in Sweden and then returned to Salt Lake City, Utah, where he married, raised a family and worked as an electrical engineer. The pursuit of radiant energy became the predominant theme in Moray’s life and much of his free time was consumed perfecting the Moray Valve that would capture and control the energy from our Sun and the stars of the universe. Moray theorized that the Moray Valve captured the ambient, radiant energy of the universe as analogously a radio captured the ambient, electromagnetic energy of the radio frequency range.  Moray realized that radiant energy was not electromagnetic energy, thus, his inventions and theories served to establish the seminal foundation for scalar energy research and development.

Moray Valve Powering Light Bulbs, a Garment Iron and a Fan by way of Radiant Energy

During his illustrious career, various radio companies employed Dr. Moray to develop superior vacuum tube receivers which proved to strengthen the signal and enhance the clarity of radio transmission. The dawn of the radio age is to be attributed in part to the advances that Dr. Moray achieved in radio design and transmission. Eventually, Moray perfected radiant energy communication instruments to the point that his device could transmit radiant energy directly through the earth and receive radio broadcasts from any location in the world. Moray’s radiant energy radio communication instrument operated without the aid of low-earth orbiting satellites. Rather, the Moray radio was able to transmit radiant energy through the earth without the loss or decrease of the radiant signal. On one occasion, witnesses in Moray’s Salt Lake City laboratory heard Admiral Byrd broadcasting from the exploration base, “Little America” in the Antarctica.

Over the course of time, Moray concluded that radiant energy originated from the universe and that these, “oscillations in the form of waves were not simple oscillations, but were surgings – like the waves of the sea-coming to the earth continually.” Moray further deduced that the ether was the medium responsible for propagating radiant energy and that this form of energy was infinite as it was produced by the Sun in our solar system as well as the stars of the universe. Despite Moray’s advances in radiant energy, his invention, the Moray Valve as well as his discoveries were never given serious attention.

Nonetheless, Moray continued to perfect the Moray Valve and to demonstrate the efficacy of this new and promising technology. On one occasion, Dr. Moray demonstrated the Moray Valve in operation in the Utah countryside thus proving that his radiant energy device was indeed extracting the energy of the universe: scalar energy. This particular demonstration was conducted at a location miles away from any power line and served to establish the fact that radiant energy could be universally accessed by the Moray Valve. Notwithstanding the incontrovertible evidence of this radiant energy experiment in a remote region of Utah, little attention was given to this achievement by the general public. However, there was now a growing fear and hatred amongst special interest groups that had become intimidated by the incredible potential that the Moray Valve technology presented to humanity.

Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

In 1925, Dr. Moray met with Senator Reed Smoot of Utah and offered the Moray Valve to the United States government as a gift for the advancement of humanity. Senator Smoot rejected Moray’s offer in preference to the existing power elite by stating: “On the grounds that the government was not competing with public utilities.” Hence, the Moray Valve was now deemed to be a threat to many special interest groups. Apparently, greed and power governed these special interest groups that believed Moray’s technology to be a threat to the military-industrial complex. Dr. Moray’s genius and largesse were summarily rejected despite his altruistic expression to give the Moray Valve free of charge to the United States government.

Subsequently, Moray was approached by the Russian government in order to divulge the secret of the Moray Valve; however, he rejected such an offer as his decency and patriotic spirit were repulsed by this communist ploy. Thereafter, Moray’s life was threatened and he was subsequently shot at on a number of occasions by communist spies. In particular, Moray was accosted while leaving his laboratory one evening and he suffered a bullet wound to his leg as a result of the altercation. Indeed, nefarious forces were now intimidated as to the great benefit that radiant energy technology offered to humanity.

Dr. Moray wanted to be assured that this technology would be used for the good of humanity and not for the selfish gain of the rich and powerful. He was never given that assurance during his lifetime. To this day, the potential for the Moray Valve has not been realized as this great invention has fallen into obscurity as a suppressed technology. The Moray Valve offered great promise to humanity had it been acknowledged, embraced and incorporated into everyday life.

My intent remains to introduce radiant energy, or scalar energy as an advanced technology to liberate humanity. Once radiant energy is acknowledged, embraced and incorporated into everyday life, the welfare of people will be significantly enhanced. Radiant energy offers an unlimited source of free, clean energy from the Sun as well as the stars. In so doing, radiant energy will serve to end the energy crisis in consummate fashion. So much suffering and misery will be avoided or eliminated by accepting radiant energy, the Divine Light. May God grant me the Wisdom to introduce the great gift of radiant energy, the Divine Light to humanity. Fiat.