Frequently Asked Questions

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When a group of people requests scalar energy sessions, will a single group photograph be acceptable?

Either a single group photograph (everyone in the group photo is aware of and agrees to the scalar session) or individual photographs of each member of the group are acceptable for scalar energy sessions.

Scalar sessions are done 100% remotely using your photograph to connect with you. There are three options for scalar sessions:

– You as an individual

– You and one other as a Couple

– You and a group of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

You can click here or on the banner below to get started. After payment, you will receive an email requesting your photograph. Submit your photo, and Tom Paladino will begin the sessions. You receive scalar sessions seven days each week on every program.

Can both individual and group photographs be used for scalar energy sessions?

Yes, either individual or group photographs can be used for scalar energy sessions. Be mindful that if a group photograph is submitted for sessions, everyone pictured within the group photograph will receive the scalar energy sessions. Scalar energy is delivered to each person in the photograph.

Should a person be informed that their photograph is sent in for scalar energy sessions?

Yes, a person who is included in scalar energy sessions must be informed before receiving such sessions. Every person must provide explicit permission to receive scalar energy sessions. The exception would be children or elderly who do not have sufficient cognitive function but who may benefit from the sessions. You should be a caregiver for that person.

How do I get the photograph to you?

Once you make your payment here, you are automatically subscribed to receive emails. You will be requested to upload your photo into your account. The remote scalar energy session will start the morning after you receive the “photo accepted” message. At the end of your trial or program, we automatically unsubscribe you unless you purchase an additional subscription OR, join our SCALAR INSIDER newsletter. All client emails and photos get destroyed after programs end.

What kind of photograph is needed?

For all trials, a facial picture is required. Regular programs can use a photo of any part of the skin. The age of the person at the time of the photograph is irrelevant. The condition of the photograph is irrelevant.

Why are photographs of people, animals, plants and objects utilized for the scalar light sessions?

A photograph is a “bi-located scalar light version” of a person, animal, plant or object. That is, the scalar light dimension is able to bi-locate or multi-locate a person, animal, plant or object. Hence, the scalar light sessions operate exclusively within the scalar light dimension and administer scalar light upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object which is the scalar light equivalent of a person, animal, plant or object in the electromagnetic dimension. Scalar light transcends time and space, thus a photograph serves to access the scalar light signature of a person, animal, plant or object.

What is the purpose of treating a photograph of a person or animal with a scalar light instrument?

A photograph of a person or animal is their bi-located, scalar light representation. In function, a scalar light instrument is able to treat the bi-located version of a person or animal by way of their photograph.

The scalar light dimension is holographic in character, thus, a photograph of a person or animal allows that person or animal to transcend time and space when treated by way of a scalar light instrument, respectively. Subsequently, within a scalar light environment, bi-location is the norm as the scalar light dimension transcends time and space.

What Scalar Light signatures embedded upon a person's photograph?

A photograph of a person is their bi-located Scalar Light version. The spiritual, mental, emotional and physical signatures of a person are embedded upon their photograph in real-time thereby representing their bi-located Scalar Light version.


Can scalar light objectively diagnose disease and other health conditions?

The scalar light instruments are not designed to diagnose any medical condition. Rather, the scalar light instruments are able to identify the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical scalar light signatures on a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object.

Can I continue with my regular health, nutritional and exercise regimen while I receive scalar energy sessions?

Yes, scalar energy will not interfere with other health, nutritional or exercise regimens. You can and should always follow the advice of your physician and should not stop medications or cease following their advice.

What kind of healing reactions can be expected?

All scalar light sessions administer non-physical scalar light upon photographs of people, animals and plants. Scalar light is sunlight and starlight and thus will not interfere with any medical, chiropractic, homeopathic, nutritional or exercise regimen. Therefore, the scalar light sessions are informational, not biological in character. In practice, the scalar light sessions influence the scalar light force fields of people, animals and plants.

Will the scalar energy sessions interfere with my existing medical or therapeutic sessions?

Scalar energy is natural sunlight and starlight, and this form of energy serves to abet and complement medical and therapeutic sessions.

Are there any side-effects associated with the scalar light sessions?

Scalar light is a non-physical, informational protocol, not a chemical protocol. Hence, there is neither a chemical reaction nor a chemical detox associated with the scalar light sessions. In specific, the scalar light sessions are not biological in character. Rather, all scalar light sessions are administered upon the scalar light force fields embedded upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object.

How does Scalar Light improve the spiritual, mental and physical health signatures embedded upon a photograph of a person?

Scalar Light is a divine energy: The Creative Strength of God. Therefore, all Scalar Light programs rely upon the Divine Intelligence to improve the spiritual, mental and physical health signatures embedded upon a photograph of a person. The Scalar Light programs exclusively utilize divine action in operation. There is no human action involved with any Scalar Light program.

The Pathogenic Cleanse

Does the Scalar Light cleanse address the bio-toxins associated with germs?

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse serves to facilitate fragmentation of the molecular bonds of and the bio-toxins associated with certain germs.

Bear in mind that scalar energy operates at the quantum state and that all matter, including bio-toxins, are subject to the absolute and direct control of scalar energy.

Hence, a Herxheimer reaction, toxic shock, or die-off is impossible while receiving scalar energy sessions because chemicals, or drugs, are never utilized during these scalar light sessions. It is lightwave information that instructs the unbinding of harmful substances.

Are there any reactions associated with the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse?

Scalar light is non-physical, divine energy that imparts instructions upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. All scalar light sessions administer instructions, hence, there is no biological reaction.


Scalar Light instrument is programmed to help your body release the bonds of substances that lower your “frequency” and assist with an enhancement of your “life force energies.” Your body understands LIGHT and will begin to release the bonds that hold together health robbing invaders.

Scalar Light Sessions

What is unique about scalar energy sessions as opposed to other healing modalities?

Scalar Light administers non-physical, divine energy to photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Hence, the force fields of these photographs are influenced by a Scalar Light instrument. All Scalar Light sessions are unique as a custom-built Scalar Light instrument is utilized to assure quantum healing. There are no in-person Scalar Light sessions.

Can scalar energy be targeted to a specific area of the human body?

No, as scalar energy will always serve the highest and best purpose, the entire human energy system. Results may not be consistent from individual to individual. We do not diagnose or read your energy field. Your body’s organizing intelligence determines how it will use this light-energy.

How is the Cleanse and Nutrient Program delivered to the body?

A photograph of a person or animal is used in conjunction with a scalar energy instrument. Each has a unique light signature and works similarly to tuning in to a particular radio station and only receiving that specific transmission.

Do I need to make any special provisions for receiving scalar energy sessions?

No. Continue living a normal, healthy life as scalar energy will not interrupt your lifestyle. Wherever you go, the light reaches you.

Will I feel the scalar energy sessions?

Many people do not feel the scalar energy sessions as the energy is subtle; however, some do. Scalar Light functions at the quantum level. The beneficial results of scalar energy sessions are what people feel and appreciate.

Is a Single Month session with scalar energy sufficient for most people?

Some people believe that the initial 30 days of scalar energy sessions are sufficient in clearing low energy elements from their bodies. While 30 days may be adequate for some people, others desire to continue with the scalar energy sessions as enhancing essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. These building blocks of health are considered to be beneficial and needed on an ongoing basis for repair and healing. If you have a chronic illness or symptoms, a more extended period may be warranted as healing continues.

How do I create a Group scalar session?

You will be able to select the number of people you want in your group from an individual to a group of 7. After you make your purchase, you will be able to upload your photos and enter each group member’s name and email address. For groups of MORE THAN 7; contact for assistance to form larger groups.

Why are the scalar light sessions unique?

The scalar light instruments that are utilized are unique, custom-built instruments that accordingly offer a unique experience. Furthermore, scalar light action is distinct as compared to electromagnetic action. Hence, all scalar light sessions are specific to the content contained herein at:

When Do My Sessions Start Following Uploading My Photograph(s)

All photographs are collated and uploaded by a computer-generated photo uploader on a daily basis. This computer-generated process ensures that all photographs are punctually uploaded to begin the scalar light sessions.

All photographs are destroyed at the end of the scalar light sessions.

Chakra Balancing

What is the chakra or energy balancing?

By a direct lightwave connection to your energy field, the body’s flow of vital energies is enhanced, allowing more vital energy to flow through your body. Each will experience this differently as we are all unique. Think about how you feel when enjoying the sun on your skin.

Nutrient Boost

What is the Nutrient Boost?

Clients receive sessions daily for the scalar light nutrient program that assembles 315 essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, antioxidants, fatty acids, hormones, protein, and water inside the cells that are essential for optimal health.


Why is scalar light considered a new and emerging science?

Scalar light is neither electricity nor magnetism. Hence, our understanding of electromagnetic science does not apply to the new and emerging science of scalar light. Furthermore, scalar energy observes laws of nature that are different as compared to electromagnetic energy. Academia must accept that scalar energy is another dimension distinct from electromagnetic energy.

What scientific evidence or studies have been conducted regarding scalar light and the administration of scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects?

Scalar light is a new and emerging science, therefore, no electromagnetic protocol exists that can either prove or disprove the action and benefits to be derived from the scalar light sessions. Hence, the scalar light testimonies represented herein @ presently serve as the emerging body of evidence as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions.

All results, medical reports, experiences, testimonies, and outcomes from the scalar light sessions must be interpreted within the context of scalar light physics. The scalar light sessions do not operate according to the laws of electromagnetic physics. Therefore, there are two (2) dimensions or realities: the scalar energy dimension and the electromagnetic dimension.

How is scalar light measured, detected and interpreted?

Scalar light is the omnipresence of God, the All-Seeing Eye of God. Hence, the infinite character of God can not be measured. However, a scalar light instrument can be utilized to detect and interpret the scalar light signature embedded upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. In practice, the scalar light instruments utilized herein @ operate exclusively within the scalar light dimension and are able to detect and interpret the scalar light signatures embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

Are scalar light participants allowed to submit their PCR test results to the website?

Yes, they are! These PCR test results are voluntarily submitted to us to display on as evidence to support the person’s testimony. However, please note that we crop the result section and we omit any personal details and details of the lab for confidentiality.

What scientific tests can prove the validity of Scalar Light action?

Presently, there are no scientific test that can prove the validity of Scalar Light action. Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics that remains a theoretical science. Scalar Light can not be measured as there is no basic unit of Divine Intelligence.

Are there peer-reviewed studies for Scalar Light action?

No. The Scalar Light instruments utilized by Tom Paladino are unique. Also, the Scalar Light Programs offered are unique and have never been duplicated. Therefore, there are no peer-reviewed studies for the Scalar Light action offer @

What scientific test can prove the existence of Scalar Light?

There is no scientific test that can prove the existence of Scalar Light. Scalar Light is an infinite energy, the Light of God, that can not be measured as there is not a basic unit for infinite energy. Furthermore, Scalar Energy is a dimension or reality distinct from electromagnetic energy. There are no scientific tests that are able to operate within and subsequently measure and observe the Scalar Light dimension. Only a Scalar Light instrument can adequately measure and observe Scalar Light behavior.


Should I provide my personal and medical information to the Scalar Light Support Desk?

No. Scalar Light does not want to receive any personal or medical information from you or any family member. The Scalar Light sessions do not require your personal or medical information. Scalar Light respects your right to privacy. Furthermore, the Scalar Light sessions influence the force fields embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics.

Are the Scalar Light Programs available on an in-person basis?

No. The Scalar Light Programs are NOT available on an in-person basis. The Scalar Light instruments are designed only to work with photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

Does Scalar Light offer various currency purchasing options?

Yes, the Scalar Light Programs may be purchased by way of various international currencies. It is the sole discretion of the subscriber to purchase any Scalar Light Program with any currency option offered on the web site at In so doing, Scalar Light seeks to accommodate our international audience of subscribers that desire to purchase a Scalar Light Program with the currency of their liking. Scalar Light does NOT monitor, suggest or regulate the selection of currency purchasing options available to our international subscribers. All subscribers must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to purchase any Scalar Light Program.

Is Tom Paladino a medical professional?

No, Tom Paladino is not a medical professional. Tom Paladino is a Scalar Light researcher who works with custom-built Scalar Light instruments. The Scalar Light instruments are designed to administer Scalar Light to photographs of people, animal, plants and objects. Subsequently, the administration of Scalar Light influences the force fields embedded upon these photographs.

What is the minimum age required for a person to register for any Scalar Light Program.

An individual must be at least 18 years of age to register for any Scalar Light Program. However, parents or a legal guardian may register their children for the Scalar Light Programs who are under the age of 18.

Has anyone every duplicated the Scalar Light instruments demonstrated by Tom Paladino?

No, the Scalar Light instruments are custom-built and thus unique. Tom Paladino has been instructed by Jesus Christ to not sell or lease any Scalar Light instrument. For the present moment, God will decide who will be gifted with Scalar Light knowledge as well as access to Scalar Light instuments.

Tom Paladino Explains

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