Scalar light is a divine energy that is broadcast by the Sun as well as the other stars of the universe. Scalar light is eternal energy as it does not experience entropy and thus represents the perpetual Life Force of the universe. Within a scalar light dimension, time does not exist, as there are no events in the past or in the future. Rather, all action in a scalar light environment is within the Eternal now-the present moment. Accordingly, scalar light transcends time and space and serves to create a holographic and infinite universe. A photograph of a person contains their scalar light signature or their scalar light information field thereby reporting their real-time spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical state. Succinctly, a photograph of a person serves as the scalar light copy of their soul, mind, emotions and physical body as a photograph of a person is energetically alive with scalar light. This article will address how a photograph of a person embodies the scalar light signature or the scalar light information field of their current state of health.

Scalar light instruments have been developed that utilize photographs of people to identify and influence their spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical state of being. A scalar light instrument operating within the scalar light dimension serves to identify the real-time spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical state of a person. That is, scalar light can interpret all of the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical information of a person by way of their photograph. Thus, a photograph is the scalar light energetic copy of that person. In practice, a scalar light instrument is able to identify and influence the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical scalar light signatures of a person by way of their photograph. Below are examples of the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical scalar light signatures of a person embodied upon their photograph.

Examples of Spiritual, Cognitive, Emotional and Physical Scalar Light Signatures of a Person Embodied upon Their Photograph

1) The presence of Scalar Light, the divine light within a person

2) The presence of love within a person

3) The presence of hope within a person

4) The presence of faith within a person

5) The presence of creativity within a person

6) The presence of joy within a person

7) The presence of the seven (7) chakras or meridians within a person

8) The presence of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. within a person

9) The presence of the human heartbeat

10) The presence of the human blood pressure

11) The presence of human biorhythms

12) The presence of human, biochemical reactions

13) The presence of human stress

14) The presence of human, general vitality

15) The presence of pathogens and parasites

16) The presence of medical conditions and medical disease

17) The presence of injury or trauma

18) The presence of man-made chemicals and toxins

19) The presence of atoms, elements and molecules

20) The presence of organs, blood, tissue, etc.

Scalar Light Is the Source of Power for All the Stars in the Universe. Every Star Transmits Scalar Light Which Serves as the Carrier Wave for All Information in the Universe

In conclusion, a photograph of a person captures their real-time scalar light signature of their spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical state. Thus, a photograph serves as the real-time scalar light manifestation of that person and reports their current state of health as a photograph of a person is energetically alive with scalar light. For example, a photograph of a person captures their spirit, thoughts, feelings as well as their biorhythms. In practice, a scalar light instrument can deliver a scalar light signal to a photograph of a person and subsequently identify and interpret their scalar light signature or their scalar light information field that has been embodied upon that photograph. Furthermore, a photograph of a person serves as their real-time scalar light signature regardless of the location of that individual. All scalar light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. There are no in-person sessions of scalar light.

May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.

Experience Scalar Light for FREE!

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Register for the 15 Day FREE Divine Intelligence Scalar Light Program. Your experience will allow you to judge the value of the Divine Intelligence Scalar Light Program prior to purchase.

1. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse - Administered 1 Hour / Day

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse identifies and negates the Scalar Light signature of pathogens embedded upon your photograph.  The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan embedded upon your photograph.  The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse administers non-physical, divine light upon your photographic force field.

2. The Chakra & Brain Wave Balancing - Administered 1 Hour / Day

The brain waves as well as the seven (7) chakras are composed of scalar light.  Thus, the Scalar Light Chakra Balance serves to balance and correct the brain waves as well as the chakras thereby improving mental, emotional and psychological health.  The Scalar Light Chakra Balance serves to improve mental clarity, deepen the dream state, correct phobias and addictions and produce a feeling of tranquility.

3. The Scalar Light Nutrient Boost - Administered 22 Hours / Day

The Scalar Light Nutrient Session assembles nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and phytochemicals.  Scalar Light instructs the existing elements and proteins inside your body to rearrange or assemble into these micro-nutrients.  The Scalar Light Nutrient Boost is the perfect delivery system for nutrients as each cell assembles micro-nutrients by way of Scalar Light instructions.