by Scalar Light | Oct 24, 2012 | Divine Intelligence Program Testimonials, Skin Condition Testimonials, Testimonials
Around the first part of September I developed one of my occasional cold sores on the lower lip. They normally dry up in a few days, but this one not only did not dry up but started to spread across the lower lip. My wife had heard of Tom’s work with Scalar...
by Scalar Light | Sep 3, 2012 | Divine Intelligence Program Testimonials
I have had severe chronic fatigue for over two decades. I have many symptoms, one being extreme unrelenting fatigue. Whenever I start to feel better, I usually crash soon after. For many years I have been unable to do more than the most basic activities of daily...
by Scalar Light | Apr 7, 2012 | Divine Intelligence Program Testimonials, General Well-being, Testimonials
I don’t know what Tom has done to me. All I know is that I feel much better. Before, I had difficulty in walking and now, my knees are almost as good as they were before. I have told all of my friends about Tom’s treatments and how well they work. Thank...
by Scalar Light | Apr 2, 2012 | Divine Intelligence Program Testimonials, General Well-being, Testimonials
Dear Tom, Wanted to write about our Son’s results. He is unable to send one himself since he doesn’t have a computer at present. Trying to condense: we had called him (he lives many states away from us) and in chatting, he admitted to being some worried...
by Scalar Light | Mar 25, 2012 | Divine Intelligence Program Testimonials, Pathogenic Diseases, Testimonials
Dear Tom, Also I want to say since you have treated me on July 2nd my life has totally changed for the best. I woke up on July 14th, 2010 (12 days after my initial treatment) without pain, fatigue, disorientation, the list goes on. When I woke up the next day there...