Dear Tom,

It is with gratitude and heartfelt thanks that I must write to you. The autoimmune disease I was diagnosed with several years ago is on it’s way out the door. My blood work has shown super significant improvement. My doctor wishes the results of my blood work were his. He is at a loss to explain my drastic turnabout. Physically, the aches and pain attributed to rheumatoid arthritis is gone. My muscle tone and posture is that of my youth. Externally, my skin is looking healthy again and with a glow. Somehow you managed to reverse the aging process. Psychologically, I feel calm and at peace with my renewed well being. Spiritually, being stubborn as I am…I believed God would lead me to a CURE. He led me to you!!! Within months of your Light Therapy via scalar energy, I am the healthiest I’ve been in 20 years. I Bless you. May the world come to know of you and your Healing Ministry. You are truly a gift from God.