Dear Tom,

Wanted to write about our Son’s results. He is unable to send one himself since he doesn’t have a computer at present.

Trying to condense: we had called him (he lives many states away from us) and in chatting, he admitted to being some worried about an old surgical catheter scar he had under his left breast. (He’d had open heart surgery when five years of age) This was very old and normally was barely visible and somewhat puckered and sunken. He said it had turned reddish, and the area underneath it was raised thus raising the scar as well, and very tender to the touch; and that the area over his heart was numb feeling, like when any part of one’s body goes to sleep. This had been going on for some days and knowing our Son, perhaps at least two weeks. That’s when we asked you for help for him.

We called next day to check and he said it felt much better and also his sinuses which had always bothered him, were much better.

The fourth day after you had worked on him, we checked and this time he said there was nothing sore; nothing numb, and that the scar had become sunken and faint again like it used to be! His sinuses were definitely just fine, and he actually felt “lighter” inside. Well undoubtedly because so many of his pathogens were gone…

He thanks you profusely and of course so do we his parents.